Nadia Baasher is a PEM consultant London. She graduated from Cairo, Egypt, and is of mixed background: lrish, Yemeni and Sudanese. Along with Habab she is one of the Co-founders of the Soft Landing project. She is also a London representative for the Sudanese Junior Doctors Association UK. (SJDA) Hoping to one day make a small difference to healthcare provision in the developing world. Loves traveling, music, and reading. Life motto: “Kindness and tolerance are above all differences”

Habab is a Sudanese Paediatric trainee. Co-founder of the Soft Landing project describes herself as a full time dreamer and part time doctor. She is passionate about novels, science and politics. A woman of deep faith and resilience. She loves photography , reading novels and writing. She is looking forward to the day when she can make a significant contribution to humanity and to her home country and community especially.
Organising Team

Organising Team Lead
Nadia is a London Paediatric Trainee, and Paediatric Emergency Medicine Grid Trainee. She is an APLS instructor and loves to teach. Before graduating in medicine in 2010, she worked in BBC Radio. She grew up in Saudi Arabia with mixed heritage English and Yemeni. She has created a home and a sense of belonging in London, and hopes to help others feel the same. To support junior doctor wellbeing she is a BMA representative. She loves singing and dancing with her children and walking her dog. She is worried about climate change and tries to fit in environmental activism in her non-existent spare time.

Newsletter Lead​
Neelakshi completed her post-graduation in Paediatrics from Kolkata, India, and moved to the UK to pursue her interests in clinical research. She works as an oncology GRID trainee. She is a member of her local Learning from Excellence team and advocates reporting ‘all that goes well in healthcare everyday’ to keep our patients safe. Neelakshi re-lives her childhood at work and attempts adulting elsewhere whilst exploring her migrant life through food, literature and long walks. As a member of the Soft Landing team, she is keen to support IMGs in utilising their unique strengths to learn new skills and transition successfully into the NHS.

Handbook Lead/ CESR Team
Jaz completed her postgraduate training in Paediatrics and Child health at the university of Nairobi, Kenya before moving to the UK. She is working as AS/SAS in community paediatrics working through her CESR. She created a handbook to help IMG doctors like herself orientate themselves on joining the NHS. She is also the handbook lead for Soft Landing.

Tech Lead
Grew up in Egypt and went to medical school there, worked in cairo in paediatrics and then joined NHS in Wales in 2019. Make the journey and difficulty I had when I first joined in easier – I think we all have an obligation to help others. To do this I started my own Arabic youtube channel for doctors wanting to work in UK. (Ahmed Eissa Youtube)

Following a successful CESR applications, he is working as a consultant paediatrician at Mersey, west Lancashire. He graduated from King Edward medical university and trained in Pakistan. I had been working in the middle East as a Neonatologist before moving to the UK in 2018. After settling in the NHS, I chose the alternative Pathway for specialist register and was lucky to be successful in the first attempt, of course with the support of my colleagues. I had been working as RCPCH regional rep for SAS DOCTORS in the North East and Yorkshire regions and also been doing online teachings and webinars for membership exams and the CESR process.
Education Team

​Mahreen is a Pediatrics trainee currently working in London, interested in respiratory medicine and global child health. From being brought up in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia and then studying medicine in India, Mahreen draws inspiration from her multicultural experiences and is passionate about integrating diversity in the workforce. Mahreen is enthusiastic about empowering IMGs to overcome difficulties faced when adapting to UK medical practice and is a strong advocate for promoting systems to support them. Outside of work, Mahreen can be found trying out new brunch spots and planning her next vacation.

Naomi is working at Epsom and St Helier University Hospital NHS trust working her way through CESR pathway. She graduated from the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Naomi has completed her postgraduate Paediatric training in Nigeria. She came to the UK 2019 as an International Clinical Fellow under the medical training initiative MTI of RCPCH. She has a particular area of interest in neonatology. Outside of Paediatrics she loves to do home makeovers and interior design. She is the education lead for Soft Landing.

Eletheria Ainley
​I am a paediatric registrar at the Royal Belfast hospital for Sick Children. I finished medical school in Greece. Following that I completed my foundation year programme in North East of England before starting paediatrics and recently I transferred my training to Northern Ireland. I have an interest in ambulatory paediatric medicine. Whenever my little boys allow it, I enjoy playing the guitar, oil painting, yoga and gardening.

Consultant Paediatrician

Consultant Paediatric Nephrology

Consultant Paediatrician